Monday, December 29, 2008

Otter On A Log

Otter On A Log
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Just another of the joys of living on the banks of Cache Creek. This is from the property on the other side of the creek...he is blending well with his surroundings.

Osprey Nest on Ground

Osprey Nest on Ground
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
OH, I have been very bad...the snowy cold weather kept me away from the land and then the holidays. It was very good to get back over on Sunday morning, even walking in the mud.
I was very sad to see the nest down, but Sarah mentioned the high winds last week, and I instantly remembered the enormous winds at Cavallo Point on Christmas Eve. Hopefully the pair of Osprey will return and rebuild. I need to find out when that might be, and starting walking in a very wide circle away from that pole.
There was another tree down by the creek, sort of in the foundation of the old house that looked like it had snapped off, but there was no sign of the missing part of the tree. That was weird.
The cool thing in on the walk was the little family of otters hanging out on a log just across Cache Creek from where we were standing...I only had one shot at one on the log as my card was full.
I also finally got some wildflower seeds sprinkled in the daffodil trench.
I will start back up with the regular walking on New Year's more holidays, and as I learned with the down coat...I can stay warm and dry for at least a few circuits.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Posting on a rainy day

I haven't been over to the land for days it seems...I think seriously a week tomorrow. Between the rain, snow, mud and other obligations I have run right out of time.
But I can gaze from here and watch the same conglomeration of strange and beautiful ducks swim from here to there and beyond and back again.
The best thing I saw yesterday was a huge cormorant diving for fish, and catching one and eating it right before my binoculars.
Very exciting.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Canada Geese @ AndersonMarsh State Historic Park

Today it is freezing cold as we wait for the promised rain or snow, so I got out early to walk on the land. Thursday I walked in Anderson Marsh instead so it was good to get out there today. I was hoping for the Bald Eagle that was spotted last Saturday morning, but I didn't see him today. Instead I saw two great blue herons, one night heron, lots of cormorants, scrub jays and doves. There were a lot of egrets in the creek with a big flock of duck items. It wasn't until I got home and was down looking at the creek that I saw the same flock...Cinnamon Teals but I need to grab my binos to make sure.
The sun keeps coming back out...if there is no precip, I am going to have to water some of my container plants...I hate to water when it is so cold...the hoses are stiff as can be but I will persevere.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Joe Curtwright Up A Tree!

PGE sent in a crew to trim two trees NEAR the power line that runs onto the land...and it is a dead line at that! Weird. And now PG&E will put a lock on my gate so they can have future access.
They were lucky I arrived when I did!
Turns out Joe was a former student years and years ago...I do remember him!

As to mowing the field, Stuart thinks it is too risky to do even with a rented tractor early in the spring...I think he is being overly cautious and will continue to talk about it. Maybe we should do it now and hope for the best with the rains.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cormorant Pair

Cormorant Pair
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Getting to know all about Double Crested Cormorants...they have an enormous capacity to leave their traces on the creek, or the ground underneath their favorite trees.
I was told that their guano deposits are actually toxic to trees, I will have to check that out. I thought they just chose trees with few or no leaves, but maybe there is a reason why there are no leaves.

Acorn Woodpecker on granary Oak

Just wanted to add this to the blog as a record of the critters on the land.

Bill covering Daffodils

Bill covering Daffodils
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Yesterday, Bill Perkins, fellow Master Gardener suggested that we plant some acorns that he had been collecting. I gathered up some daffodils that I wanted to put on the land and off we went. As things turned out, Bill was much more handy with the shovel than I was. Think Tom Sawyer!!!
So 30 big yellow King Alfred Daffodils when in, in clumps of three. Then using a geology pick, we planted a wide assortment of acorns around the inside of an old perimeter foundation, and also planted Valley Oak acorns along the creek bank where there were other seedlings sprouting.

Mossy Rock

Mossy Rock
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
It was a happy surprise to find this beautiful small rock outcropping over on the land. I love rocks so much but never really have bought land with rocks! This one is in deep shade from the cemetery trees and probably will stay in deep shade most of the year.
It really pleases and my eye.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Koko smelling to the high heavens!

Koko quite exhausted by her big adventure on the LAND!
More blankets and towels will be required, I can see that!

A Shitty Day!

Start of a shitty day
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Stepped right in the dog poop this morning. I should have seen it as an omen but didn't as it happens so rarely.
After wading through a lot of shit (paperwork) of a different time, I loaded up KOKO for her first solo trip to the land.
When we got there, she was pretty excited but let me set the gentle leader on her muzzle and hook it up to the choke chain. We were ready to rock and roll.
She was just great! Didn't pull, strain my shoulder or anything. The perfect pooch. When we got down near the water I must have let the muzzle part slacken and it came off of her muzzle. As I started to hook her back up, I thought, WHY? One of the reasons for fencing and having that place is for the dogs to run fairly free. So, I just unhooked the leash from the lead, and let her go.
Right to the rocky gravelly ramp which I had cleared of fish bones and skeletons in anticipation of this moment. She was so happy! Jumped to the middle of the ramp and started to do the doggie roll...I must have missed something, and I could smell it back where I was. Then she charged down to the water, and waded in a bit when suddenly, a cormorant let loose a giant shit bomb! Wow, it was so gross and alarming I didn't even think to photograph it. I was worried that KOKO was going to get into it as it was drifting right at her. As it turned out, she got some anyway, but that was a bit too much for her, and out she came!
Then I could begin to appreciate the magnitude of the disaster! Thick gooey mud and other stuff...all over one side of the dog, especially her neck with liberal lashings of the white cormorant shit. Oh such a gross dog you couldn't imagine.
But she was still being a very good dog, and we started our walk off leash...she stayed nearby and I tried to get her to roll about some, but she was having none of that, thank you very much.
After a bit, I decided to hook her back up at least to the leash. I gave up on the leader part as soon as I touched it...oh my god. Now I smelled as bad as KOKO. But she remained a very good dog for another circuit even when tempted to pull by a squirrel in the cemetery
Now we are home, collar soaking in a tub of soapy water, and car blanket in the washing machine. As for Koko, she stinks to the high heavens and isn't being so great on the bath time.
I think the dogs will be sleeping downstairs for a few night, well at least Koko will be.
Quiz got a short walk out to the mail box and didn't roll in anything. But I know if I had taken her over there she would have done the same thing!