Monday, March 30, 2009

Demolition Work-self portrait

Tearing down the old shack which was actually mostly on the ground was a big unnerving. While Stuart did the heavy lifting and sawing, I pried and worked old boards out of the ground and out from under the collapsed roof and floor.
Believe me, I kept a hawk's eye out for snakes. When it warmed up a bit, the lizards made me so jumpy I had to nerves were shot.

Osprey Landing

Osprey Landing
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
This image is a bit scary with the wing manipulation...flaps down I presume!

Landing with fish in claw

Today I was working with Stuart trying to demolish the old building and some what worried as there weren't any signs of either of the Osprey when we got there at 9am. I kept glancing over, and was disappointed every time.
Finally something caught my eye in a huge valley oak, and there was one of the birds, busy with something. I thought trying to break off a branch and Stuart thought eating...I really need to take the binos in the car with me from now on.
At the same time I realized that there was an Osprey in the nest as well, and about 10 minutes later, they started 'talking" and I got ready and sure enough, I got this photo and the other that I will also post.
I am surely going to miss watching these birds this next week.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Osprey on nest

Two Osprey on nest
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
My only good shot from quite a distance of both birds up there at once. Hopefully I will be able to get some more tomorrow when Stuart starts demolition of the old shack.

Much Bigger Nest

Much Bigger Nest
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
It is pretty amazing to see yesterday's photo and this one side by side as they are right now on flickr...what a difference in a day.
It was really cold and windy today, but the PAIR of them was working away. It was very awesome to watch them go across the creek and return with twigs and branches.
I will be able to check them tomorrow and Tuesday before turning my attention to the SandHill Cranes. My head is swirling though I am not yet dreaming about birds, though that day may come!
I am sure when I get back that the nest will be full sized...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Osprey Getting Serious

Osprey Getting Serious
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
After seeing that most of the twig has been blown down yesterday by the very high winds, I was not expecting much this morning, but Voila!. Apparently when the winds died down, he really went to work. Hope he keeps it up.
Right after I took this he flew off only to be attacked by a crow as he soared too near their nest on the other side of the property. They are very raucous when I walk that section, so now I will have to keep a sharp eye out. I think their nest might be in the cemetery.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I couldn't find this is very white, fragile and has thin thin green lines. Maybe it is a baby green eyes?

Sharpshinned Hawk

Sharpshinned Hawk
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I think this is the right id, but am willing to be corrected.

Still Cooperating Heron

Still Cooperating Heron
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Second shot after moving to an entirely different area. He gave me two shots and then took off.

Cooperative Great Blue Heron

After a wild day yesterday which kept me away from the land, I finally made it back over this morning. To my dismay, there wasn't an osprey to be seen...then suddenly while my back was turned, there he was, high up on the power pole. I decided to leave him in peace, and kept on walking around the perimeter of the land when I spotted this fellow fishing in Copsey Creek.
He was amazingly mellow and I was able to stalk him from this vantage point, around a huge eroded area to an even nearer spot which is in the next photo. Finally he had enough and flew to the other bank. It must have been a good fishing spot for him to hang out so long.
The water was very very clear and I didn't spot any fish at all. I have been wondering if the hitch come up this far, but haven't seen any yet.
As I turned away from this Great Blue Heron, a small Hawk, which I think is a Sharp-Shinned Hawk landed right above my head on another power pole. That photo is coming right up.
I even caught a dove on the ground...hopefully that one is clear enough to post as well. A very fruitful day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Osprey Pair

Osprey Pair
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I am not really sure that the female has returned, but she or he was def. interested in the renewed nest building. She came over the edge of the field a bit later, but not even close to where I was standing. My boy sure turned his head to check her out though.

Osprey Rebuilding!

Osprey Rebuilding!
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I was very happy to see that Mr. Osprey was back on the pole this morning, but this shot verifies that he is beginning to start rebuilding the nest. And most exciting of all, another Osprey appeared as I was watching. My only shot is into the sun, but it is evocative of the pairing of these two.
So far, between me and others nearby, we have had sightings of three of the beauty birds...those pesky Sand Hill Cranes better be really exciting, as I will miss a week of action when I go off to visit them.
There were also lots of hawks today, and this morning a big Osprey was chased up and down the creek by a pair of crows. They are really vigilant birds.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lizard in oak stump

Lizard in oak stump
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I am not 100% sure, but I think that this is Aspidoscelis tifris munda or California Whiptail. He was sure still on this cloudy spring day, which was an advantage for me...I think he was relying on camouflage.
I had just been thinking today as I waded into very tall grass and vetch, that I will have to be more aware of the reptile season. I think I will put up some rattlesnake signs over on the land. They are there for sure.

Shooting stars different view

My my, who knew there are so many different species of dodecathon...I will have to go back over with my guide book in hand and look at the leaves to see which one I have.
I had a hard time photographing this flower as the slightest breeze makes it move. Finally I remembered my little Minolta, Dimage is so tiny and I can at least hold my end still. I like this photo since it shows a head on view, a back view and almost a side view.
spring spring spring. Today it is overcast and snow is predicted for tonight above 1500'.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Elusive Quail

Elusive Quail
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
First Day of spring, first capture of a to figure out what kind it is. I have to take a chair over there and stash it in some bushes so I can sit and wait. I think it will be great as the weather warms up, I can go over very early in the am, and catch them out on the bank of the pond which seems to be their favorite place.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Black Crowned Night Heron

This is this year's best shot of the Night Heron even if I took the photo down stream a ways from the land. Who knows, it might even be one of my herons, since I kayaked that way first and sent them all flying east.

Self portrait kayaking!

Self portrait kayaking!
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Today, the last day of Winter 2009, I decided to give my feet a rest and paddle over to the land and then down to the dam. It was a good workout for me, and a chance to use the FZ7. I did use my dry bag but only loosely so I could keep the lens cover off. Besides this pic of the intrepid blogger-kayaker, I did manage one good bird shot.
Among other things, I saw lots of swallows, carp starting to jump, Night Herons, One Great Blue Heron, Two Canada Geese who were mighty offended to find me paddling by, and the largest flock of woodducks I have seen...must have been two dozen in a large willow/cotttonwood grove that is always partially submerged at this time of year.
All in all, a very mellow kayak trip up stream and down to the dam.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pond Turtle & Shadow

Pond Turtle & Shadow
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Anderson Marsh State Park Turtle...I am sure that I will soon be able to sight these in or near my little pond.

Diving Turtle

Diving Turtle
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
This Western Pond Turtle, the only native freshwater turtle in California, tried to make his escape, but I at least caught sight of him. The one I saw within the hour at Anderson Marsh State Park, was much more placid as he lay on a log.

Pair of Northern Flickers

And here is the pair. I have to look for the possible nesting site...I think it must be in one of the oak trees right by the turn in the road...

Red-shafted Northern Flickr

Flicker male
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Boy was this an exciting shot...not exactly on the land, but from the car...he flew down to mate, and when I rolled down the window, the female of the pair moved and there he was. I have a shot of the pair too, but not actually in the act...I do believe that is the first time I have ever seen a pair mate.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Gold

Spring Gold
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
This wild flower is also an important source of food for butterflies.

Cynoglossum grande

Cynoglossum grande
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
All this time I thought this plant was called Horehound when in fact it is called Hound's Tongue, Cynoglossum grande.
Since they only come around once a year, I tend to forget names of some of our wildflowers...perhaps spotting, photographing, identifing and writing about them will make them stick in my brain!
This one according to the Audubon Field Guide to Wild Flower, Western region, was used by Native Americans to make root preparations to treat burns and stomachaches.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Black-Crowned Night Heron

I startled a large flock of Night Herons that were hanging over Cache Creek in what I tend to call Heron Alley. It is a section of the creek that in the winter is just lined with Black-Crowned Night herons. They really stand out on the leafless trees hanging over the water.
This group flew from Cache to Copsey Creek and landed in tall oaks on my land...then I pounced.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Doe in Pioneer Cemetary

Doe in Pioneer Cemetary
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
She was startled when she was on my side of the fence, but took her time moving off after she jumped the fence. When I came back by 20 minutes later she was still lurking. Makes me wonder if she might have a fawn nearby, but I think it might be too early. Need to do some research on that topic.
Anyway, while I have seen a lot of deer over there, this is the first one I have captured...very sweet.

The Osprey's BACK!!!

The Osprey's BACK!!!
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
OH joy of joys! Today I went for my walk, I first scanned the field for the hunting egrets, but no luck there. Then I started to climb up the hill and startled a deer, a little doe.
When I got to the top of the small hill, I scanned again, and unmistakeably there was a small white dot on top of the power line where the Osprey nest used to be. And it moved! Yikes, soooo exciting.
I made a wide circuit until I could get out of shooting directly into the sun...He made a lot of noise as I moved in for this shot and left soon after.
I can only hope that he will rebuild. Only one stick remains from the old nest.
Today was so full of life...there was also a pair of red tailed or shouldered hawks, a pair of herons flying by, lots of woodpeckers, scrub jays and of course the doves.
I have a grey squirrel perching by a nest too.
Oh, I am so glad that I didn't travel this year at this time, anyway.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Otter escape

Otter escape
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
There is so much happening with the area around Cache Creek that I have fallen behind. This otter woke me up to spring even though we are still in winter, still in a drought, and still hoping for a rainy spring.
I have all these plans to clean up the land, but the rain has made the roads impassable so far.
I thought perhaps that after all this warm afternoon weather the roads would have dried out, but my walk this afternoon showed otherwise. There were two huge herons foraging in the vernal pools. And while the daffodils that I planted over there were blooming, the nip in the air was evident. None of the new seeds I have planted seem to have survived the flood, but I will be keeping an eye on those spots. All the rain, followed by all this sun should have a positive effect on all those plants.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

TweedleDum and TweedleDee

Again, the easiest to photograph turn out to be the vultures though this pair was particularly accommodating. I also got a few shots of night herons, and one big brown bird that I can't id. The doves still elude me...they are so fast.
I need a chair and a blind by the pond...then I will have a chance. I might have to feed them but that seems like cheating!
I also got a flicker by the pond...just in profile. He will come up next.

Pond close to full!

Pond close to full!
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
After spending so much time in San Francisco, it was wonderful to come home and find the pond so much fuller. There was a pair of woodducks and a pair of mallards on it when I tried sneaking up.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cache and Copsey Meet

Cache and Copsey Meet
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Gail's Point remains in jeopardy as the water from Copsey Creek on the right of the photo, flows out and hits that little peninsula before flowing upstream into my land and farther up Cache Creek, before it turns and starts back down. It is very odd to see it flow against the larger creek.

Really filling up now.

Really filling up now.
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I was so busy treading my way thru water to see the pond that I didn't think to look to the left to see if there was any activity at the Osprey nest. When I got home, pretty wet indeed, I was chagrined to see the first Osprey of the season fly right by my kitchen window on a straight line for the land.
And I won't get to go check it until Friday at the earliest. Dang blast!