Sunday, January 25, 2009

January Sightings

India or Lake County?
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Even though we have had so little rain, there are more subtle changes occurring on the land, just not with the pond or creeks.
The wildflower seeds I tossed out just before Xmas have started to germinate though the daffodils below them haven't shown a single sign yet.
The most interesting item is shown as right..on a lovely parcel that I drive by to get to the land, a herd of Brahma cattle has been turned out for grazing along with a few horses. Now we have horses on both sides of the road, craning over the fence for the grass that must look greener!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Flowering of Feathers

Flowering of Feathers
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
70o weather has made walking over on the land the most pleasurable activity lately. My cold is gone except for the nasty aftermath, I have a ton of energy and it feels great to walk around and look at the bare trees, and the new greening of the ground.
The two herons were there too...I am sure hoping it is a breeding pair.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Icy Day

Skiddish Herons
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Braving ice, mud and this relentless head cold, I made it back across the creek. I was finally able to get a very long distance shot of this pair of herons. They had been down in Cache Creek, and flew off as I approached. They had probably been alerted by the large flock of wood ducks that took off when I wasn't even near the creek! I will never get those wood ducks without the kayak.
The herons were gone by the time I got to their tree, but as I trudged across the field, I happened to glance up at the vulture oak, and there they were! Maybe they are getting a bit used to me, as they did stay long enough for a shot or two but when I started waking in their direction, off they went! Hope they will establish a nest on the property...that would be very neat.
There was ice on the little pond this morning...a very cold day here, but at least the sun is shining.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pond after late Dec. rains

Tracking the pond levels after each rain. This is the most water I have seen.

Heron Guano

Heron Guano
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
There are now at least five egrets on the creek, flying from this house to the land...I am determined to capture at least one today...and of course I will keep after the Heron.

Coyote Bush

Coyote Bush
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I seen to have lost my stalking skills...a miserable failure yesterday trying to get the cormorants, doves and quails...too slow, too noisy, too too!