Thursday, November 19, 2009


Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
With the return of cold weather, the Vultures are back spreading their wings in all the oaks over on the land. This one was in a dead tree that I am leaving for habitat and where no vultures hung out last fall. When I came around the corner, he had his back to me, but with wings spread. As I raised the camera, he suddenly decided to confront me, or maybe he was just facing the sun.

Vulture on alert.

Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
With the return of cold weather, the Vultures are back spreading their wings in all the oaks over on the land. This one was in a dead tree that I am leaving for habitat and where no vultures hung out last fall. When I came around the corner, he had his back to me, but with wings spread. As I raised the camera, he suddenly decided to confront me, or maybe he was just facing the sun.