Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fox on path

Fox on path
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I drove up to the gate this morning and realized that I had been holding my breath. I hadn't been able to walk since last Monday, almost a week. My old dog Quiz had been down and things didn't look good so distractions kept me away.
It felt so good to get back and I started just to walk and walk on a very hot morning, around 8:30. I really didn't have great expectations, but it just was blissful to breath in that clean air, scent of tar weed, listen to bird one was up and using power tools yet, so it was perfect.
On my first foray down a narrow path I ran right into a Doe who bolted...saw three more deer in quick succession. Then onto the creek where the blue-green algae was not as severe, and on around on my loop. Egrets, swallows, wood ducks, all very peaceful and quiet.
On my last loop around, I decided to walk down a small path which deadends at the creek and a huge Manzanita. I only took a few steps when I saw something come toward me on the path. At first I thought it was a cat, then I realized there were two, and they were foxes! Talk about excited. Luckily I was wearing a dress with big pockets, and my camera was very accessible. I grabbed it and started shooting just before they spotted me.
I will post most of the shots on flicker...for once my excitement didn't get the better of me, and these two,( I am guessing mother and kit, as the second one was much smaller,) were very curious about me too.
It is days like this that make me feel a bit selfish for keeping most people out, and doing a lot of walking by myself. If I had had company, I doubt we would have been quiet enough to have this encounter.
On the way back to the car, I ran into the doe and her twins, the lame deer, a giant jack rabbit, and a beer bottle. All in a day's walk. Wonderful!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Poised to Flee

Poised to Flee
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
This morning I went over to haul the rest of the brush that we cut on Thursday over to the big brush pile. I deliberately did not go near any of the know fawn haunts as I was earlier than usual and didn't want to disturb them. I was also in a hurry to get to work to avoid this beastly heat.
After I hauled the brush and almost got mowed down by a huge Great Blue Heron, I decided to finish the circuit in the opposite direction before heading home. It wasn't even 9am, but already hot as hell in the sunshine. I was trudging up my little hill, avoiding the narrow path by the deer spot, when suddenly I glanced to my left, and there they were, a darling tableau, posing just for me.
It was amazed how long they stayed, I was sure that when I reached into my pocket for my camera they would bolt, but no...then I realized that I could get better light if I climbed a little past them, they still stayed until I was done. They were starting to move a bit as I left. I sure don't want them to become too habituated to me. Of course they live right in the midst of a pretty large area of housing, since I see them or a trio just like them feeding on my neighbor's lawn.
Anyway, I loved the light on their ears, added a rather rosy glow to the morning.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hunting Egret Cache Creek

I have never seen so many egrets right across the creek from my house. But then I have never seen Cache Creek almost bank to bank with thick thick mats of blue green algae. It is really becoming unbelieveable but one can get used to anything, even if it smells like this.
If there are this many opportunistic birds of all kinds down here, I wonder what in the world it must be like down at the dam! A few minutes ago, I counted at least five egrets, three great blue herons, many small birds all enjoying whatever bounty they can capture in these mats.
I will be going near the state park tonight, and I bet the water there is clear compared to this end of the lake. Location, location,location as they say!
Even though I took this from my garden, it could belong equally to the land at Cache and Copsey. We startled a lot of big hunting birds when we went over to clear brush. 104o, not a great idea.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Purple ring on Teasel

Purple ring on Teasel
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
I have never seen the Teasel at this particular stage...some were blooming and then there was this one with the purple buds just showing color in one area. In WEEDS OF THE WEST, I just learned that in the second year of the growth cycle, these little spiny heads and purple flower show up. The first year, this biennial plant is only a flat rosette.
I always have been fascinated by the tall dried out thistles, it is really neat to see them in their green state along the banks of Cache Creek.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
This morning I got to the land about 8:45 am, much later than I had hoped. But I was still rewarded.
After I closed the gate, I spotted the first Turkey of the season. Amazingly, she was alone and walking down the paths that we had mowed, hunting and pecking. Too far away for a good shot. Then I realized that between us standing stock still was a doe and her fawn, blending in with the brush along Copsey Creek.
As I climbed the little hill, thru the oaks I could make out a large bird on what I think of as the vulture tree or osprey tree depending on who is there. Today they both vulture and two Osprey. One stayed with the Vulture and the other flew on down to the creek.
Next up was the doe and her twin fawns. Really on a roll, I found a small flock of Green Herons but they are always just out of range. Tomorrow I will take the camera with the stronger telephoto and see what I can get.
Forgetting all about the turkey, I was suddenly reminded when she appeared on the bank of the pond, practically under my feet. Of course by the time I regrouped, all I got was a blurry shot of her board back.
Next up was another, or the same, doe and fawn, and this quail warning everyone of my walk along the edge of the field.
All in all a lovely morning.
Tomorrow a friend and I are meeting at 7am to see what we might be able to see...extra batteries, two cameras and luck!

Blue Green Algae on the move

The BlueGreen Algae on Clearlake and Cache Creek cleared up greatly for the 4th of July weekend but it has come down the creek with a vengence.
It will pass on to Yolo County, but in the meantime, it is a burden for all of us who depend on the lake for tourism, recreation or irrigation.
Just remember that it is a natural occurrence and that people are working to control runoff and other issues that contribute to these large blooms.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

An Acorn Year is Coming!

An Acorn Year is Coming!
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Valley Oak, Quercus lobata on the banks of Cache Creek.
Walking along at a fast pace, I almost missed the new acorns forming on the Valley Oaks. It took a very annoyed Red Shoulder Hawk to make me stop and look up, and while I did miss a shot at him, I did notice what was right in front of me. Once I spotted one, I noticed them everywhere.
Sometimes I pay more attention to the ground in front of me looking for snakes and possible tripping hazards. Slow down and look around!

Doe & Twins

Doe & Twins
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
On the run...they had been nesting down by the Night Heron and I was so focused on it, that I totally missed these guys.

Black Crowned Night Heron Wading

This is one of the first times I have ever seen a Night Heron on the ground or standing in the creek. I usually see them in the trees or flying away from me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Finally a Black Crowned Night Heron

Racing against the heat of the day and a huge amount of gardening chores to be done, I managed to run over by 8:15. As I was putting on my walking shoes, I heard such a lot of squawking and carrying on that I was a bit alarmed. It sounded like crows, but I am nervous now about what I will find.
As it turned out, it was a particularly noisesome group of crows...and they moved about finally down to the giant Valley Oak by the pond. When I got there, he put up a huge ruckus. Never did figure out what the problem was, other than me.
The loudest and most lingering of the crows moved over by Copsey Creek, and was still there when I got over there. As he flew up and away, I glanced up too, and there, not moving was the Black Crowned Night of the flock that I had been trying to photograph.
He stayed for me to get this nice shot. They must have a rookery in those willows somewhere. I was very happy to get this shot, then somewhat dismayed to realize that I didn't have a sd card in the camera! Dingbat! It wrote to internal memory which then announced itself full!
I always keep my camera books, but of course I can't find mine now for this particular camera, but figured if I hooked it up to the notebook with the card still out, it would show me what was on the camera as the external drive. It did...all the other 'errors' that I had made by forgetting the card. Not many and none memorable, but this was a keeper.
Happy 4th of July to all the critters! Hope no one even thinks about tresspassing over there with or without fireworks. There are a lot of campers on the creek, and more boaters braving the algae which is sinking...I hope.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mr. Fierce

Mr. Fierce
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
Sorry to say that Mr. Fierce didn't make it. Got a call today saying that his wing tip was fractured and not repairable. He would never be able to fly so he will be put down.
I feel blue, but then I also had the impulse when I first saw him on the ground to let mother nature take her course. It is hard to know whether or not to interfere.
Some neighbors thought they saw something falling out of the nest after being harrassed by crows, so perhaps that is what happened. One survived, and one didn't.
There aren't huge numbers of Osprey here, so I was hoping this one would survive. At least he will live on in photos. Beautiful bird.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Green Heron July 09

Green Heron July 09
Originally uploaded by Rexfree_99
All was quite on the land this morning compared to yesterday's wildlife festival. But I was rewarded down by the water with a Green Heron who decided to ignore me unlike his relatives who all flew off when I approached. It was a shot almost all the way across the creek with the sun on him...hard to do, but this is the best of the bunch.
The Night Herons on Copsey Creek were not at all accommodating...they shrieked and flew off...I can't believe how many of them are over there in the dense shade. They are on the banks on my side and high in the trees on Gayle's side and skiddish as hell for living so close to people!